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Updated June 9, 2024

Current Events

Next Meeting: Tuesday June 11, 2024

*St. Paul's CWL President contact information*

Please email Shannon Pearson with any comment, questions or concerns that you may have. 

News and Events:

Happy June everyone,

There is still time to provide baking to support our BAKE SALE this weekend.  Drop off can be Friday night 6-8 or Sat morning starting at 830.  Come and check out our vendors and those selling out of their cars this weekend 9-3. 

HELP NEEDED for set up for the bake/boot sale call Mary Pat.

June 8-9 the weekend to wear your CWL scarves.  Let’s celebrate who we are!!!

If your ordered scarves, pins etc, come and get them at the regular meeting. 

June 11 is our regular general meeting, the last one before summer break.  We will have apps and desserts, with a request to more healthier options.  Our PP (past president) Michelle, will be bringing her infamous PMS Ball, if you haven’t had it before it’s a diabetic’s worst nightmare, BUT IT'S SOOOOO GOOOD…… Since she always gets requests for the recipe -it’s attached.  

During our meeting, we will celebrate those who joined us this year and those who have reached milestones.  Come find out who they are

Plus, we have surprise entertainment courtesy of your exec and other well-known individuals.  If you’ve been made aware of the surprise, please keep it under your “hat.”

June 12 Wednesday, Father’s Day work bee.  Getting the cookies ready to give out.  Denise will have more information at the meeting. 

June 15-16 Father’s Day cookies will be given out.  We need 3-4 volunteers for each mass.  2 for the back door, 2 for the hallway. 

🙏Prayers for:

Rocio S and Deacon Doug.  For their health needs. 

If you or someone you know need prayers, please let the exec know or send requests to

Giving Thanks For Summer

Father, Creator of all, thank You for summer!
Thank you for the warmth of the sun
and the increased daylight.
Thank You for the beauty I see all around me
and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation.
Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family,
and for the more casual pace of the summer season.
Draw me closer to You this summer.
Teach me how I can pray
no matter where I am or what I am doing.
Warm my soul with the awareness of Your presence
and light my path with Your Word and Counsel.
As I enjoy Your creation, create in me
a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for You.

- Author Unknown

April - Meeting Minutes

april general minutes.docx

May - Meeting Minutes

may general minutes.docx

CWL National NEWS

Mary’s Festival –reminder- June 1st  

St. Mary’s University is opening its campus to everyone and hosting Mary's Festival on June 1st from 11am to 4 pm .Experience a day filled with live music, food trucks, exciting games, and family-friendly activities. Get your tickets today at! 

Diocesan Pastoral Renewal

Please encourage all CWL members and their families to participate in your parish’s Pastoral Renewal Survey. The survey will remain accessible online via the parish website from June 1 to June 14. Please include prayers for the successful uptake of the survey

National CWL Webinar on Palliative Care 

The National CWL website has a webinar on palliative care which was presented on May 22, entitled “A Good Death: The Challenge for Christians Today”. This 1-hour webinar features Sister Dr. Nuala Kenny, a physician, pediatrician and bioethicist, sharing insights into the topic of Palliative Care.

GrACE Newsletter

The GRACE newsletter can be accessed at this link:

National CWL Webinar on Mental Illness

Members are invited to attend the following presentation hosted by Cardus, a Canadian Christian non-partisan organization. “Beyond MAiD for Mental Illness: Confronting Canada’s Mental Health Challenges” June 5, 2024 Time: 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. CDT

The presentation will focus on the mental health crisis in Canada. To register go on Cardus’ website (cardus)